10 DUMB WWE Heel Turns (We Didn't Want To Admit Were GENIUS!)

8. The Rock (2003)

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This writer can recall a few disappointed faces around school back in 2003. Some friends hated the thought of The Rock returning to screens as a bad guy, and they refused to boo him. That'd soon change, if only because Rocky's performances in the role were incredible. He was a heat-seeker and a half in '03.

'Hollywood' Rock laid the foundations for what he'd perfect over 20 years later with the 'Final Boss' character. It was special, not least because the dude was taking a risk here. It would've been really easy for Rocky to return from films and play the comeback hero (which he’d do at several points over the next 20 years). That would've worked too.

Nope. The Rock decided to use his Hollywood status as a means to garner heat from an audience who had been slyly booing him during bouts vs. Hulk Hogan, Brock Lesnar and others since 2002. He recognised the need to change and adapt to a different audience, which really goes to show how switched on Dwayne Johnson has always been as a performer.

Nailed it and dispersed the doubters.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.