10 DUMB WWE Matches (We Didn't Want To Admit Were GENIUS!)

9. The Shortest Royal Rumble Ever

Hornswoggle WWE WeeLC

Ask any number of fans to name the worst Royal Rumble ever and they'll probably either answer with the so-called "Greatest" Rumble in Saudi Arabia or 1995's version. If pressed for more, folks (including this writer typically) would say that the 60 second gaps between entrants sucked and took away from the grandeur of the match.

Now look at the WWF's roster in January '95.

It was as thin as it'd ever be, so was there really any call for waiting two minutes between Rumble entrants like Mantaur and Aldo Montoya at #20 and #21 respectively? If anything, this was only showing some self-awareness and acknowledging that he didn't have much star power to work with. Zooming through the misfit cast was a shrewd move.

Shawn Michaels still got his Rumble win, and sparsely placed stars like British Bulldog, Lex Luger and Owen Hart kept enough interest from fans in what was going on. 


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.