10 DUMB WWE Name Changes (That We Didn't Want To Admit Were GENIUS)

5. Bronson Rechsteiner > Bron Breakker


A lot of traditionalists out there were looking forward to the next coming of the Steiner name in WWE. Rick's kid Bronson already looked like a can't-miss physical specimen coming out of college, and the McMahon family happily signed him in February 2021. Months of paying his dues followed pre-debut.

When that debut came, the Steiner name was nowhere to be seen. Nope. Bronson Rechsteiner (the guy's real name) had been changed to the WWE-ified Bron Breakker, and that led to some serious debate on Twitter/X about what kind of things folks were smoking in the writer's room at WWE HQ.

If one stops to think about, sidestepping the Steiner name completely was a genius move by WWE. They lifted pressure from Bron's shoulders instantly, and gave him the chance to carve his own path in the biz without too much chatter from old NWA/WCW fans about how many suplexes he'd perform per match.

People knew his family ties anyway, so there was no need to beat them over the head with it and put an unfair burden on Breakker.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.