10 DUMB WWE Stories (We Didn't Want To Admit Were GENIUS!)

WWE storylines that deserve a LOT more love than they'll ever get from anyone.

Vince McMahon Hornswoggle

Let's be honest, not every WWE storyline can be a home run.

The company has produced a seemingly endless amount of content for decades, so it's easy to explain this away as creative burnout or just bad scheming from Vince McMahon/Triple H/Vince Russo/an army of overworked writers who have to come up with stuff and come up with it quickly. As in, before Monday's flagship hits the air yet again.

Here's the thing: Even something that looks dumb in theory has some merit to it. There's a depth to the stories examined here that might surprise you, especially when scanning through the initial brief. For example, how could someone literally melting down a mysterious prop be deep? Read on to find out.

Yes, this is a staunch defence of some WWE tales that many giggle at or file under 'totally rubbish'. They've all got negative parts to them, but instantly dismissing them as bad creative is as unsatisfying as it is uninteresting. So, here's the depth behind the dumb.

From wrestlers excusing violent behaviour to a family tale that could've preceded The Bloodline - it's all here!

10. R-Truth Has 24/7 Title Luck

Vince McMahon Hornswoggle

WWE's 24/7 Title was a mind-numbing nuisance to many viewers in 2019/2020. To R-Truth, it wheezed fresh air into his lungs and extended a career best-known for knowingly crummy comedy. Nobody will ever top Truth's whopping 54 reigns with the belt, and that'd probably be true even if Triple H had kept the thing around as an undercard curiosity.

Every single one of Truth's stints as champ was sillier than a Mae Young and Mark Henry skit, but then that was the point of them. This was WWE's attempt to reignite what had been successful during the 'Attitude Era' and cast Truth as a reimagining of little Crash Holly running away from everyone as Hardcore Champion.

It also laid bare how hard Truth was riding his luck on-screen.

He'd always come up shining no matter who was chasing him and what the scenario was. At the beach? Truth would somehow emerge as 24/7 Champ. Travelling between towns for WWE shows? Same deal. Everyone knew that R-Truth would regain the title shortly after losing it, and that was the glue holding everything together.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.