10 DUMB WWE Stories (We Didn't Want To Admit Were GENIUS!)

3. Vince McMahon’s Limo Explosion

Vince McMahon Hornswoggle

As legend has it, Vince McMahon wanted off WWE screens by 2007. When writers scrambled to come up with a suitable exit strategy, Vince told Bruce Prichard he couldn't be on television if he was dead. OK then. It was big, dumb and brash, but McMahon did have one hell of a way to write himself off TV permanently.

You've got to give him that, if nothing else.

Reportedly, after watching a limousine blow up on Raw, even some of Vince's closest friends called WWE offices to ask if he was alright. Donald Trump was one of them, so draw your own conclusions there! The whole plot was called off due to the grim Chris Benoit double murder and suicide breaking news.

It's difficult to know who McMahon was working harder to convince that he'd be gone for good - the WWE audience, himself or staff internally. It would've been interesting to find out if he'd be able to stick to the plan had real life events not forced the company to change tact so suddenly.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.