10 DUMB WWE Stories (We Didn't Want To Admit Were GENIUS!)

2. Mr. McMahon’s Illegitimate Son

Vince McMahon Hornswoggle

Pretty much everyone would agree that Hornswoggle becoming Vince McMahon's illegitimate son tanked, but it wasn't WWE's original plan. Not even close. They'd reportedly fancied revealing that Mr. Kennedy was Vince's kid, which would've helped Ken crack the proverbial glass ceiling and become a made man in the promotion.

Then, pesky events outside the ring had to get in the way and screw everything up.

Injuries and suspensions destroyed Kennedy's headline push completely. Rather than stick another promising wrestler into the role that'd been carefully crafted for one guy specifically, McMahon elected to go down the comedy route by having lil' Horny literally hang off his leg like his life depended on it.

The actual idea WWE had lined up was genius. The way things screeched to a halt then Swoggle got involved? Yeah, not so much. If only those injuries and suspensions hadn't popped up, eh? Vince's scheming would've paid off, and Mr. Kennedy could've gone on to become a multi-time WWE Champ and WrestleMania headliner.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.