10 Dumbest Ways WWE Wrestlers Lost Matches
3. Ooh, Me Bloody Foot's Stuck, Hang On
Several institutional WWE problems converged to make AJ Styles look a right t*t at Backlash '17.
Heels cannot win cleanly, so that result was out of the question - but WWE needed some way of prolonging the rivalry. The churn doesn't move itself. Every major programme must last beyond one match. So, with these two policies in place, the agents on duty devised a f*ck finish that was f*cking stupid. Kevin Owens avoided AJ's Styles Clash through the announce table. In the process, that bumbling buffoon AJ managed to get his leg stuck. This also required Styles to fumble around for some cable, and wrap it around his own feet to sell the idea that he was unable to escape of his own free will...even though he used his own free will to screw himself. Now, that obviously wasn't the intention - we weren't meant to see through the smoke and mirrors - but what an unenviable task that must have been, even for a guy seasoned in TNA. WWE's refusal to allow heels clean victories doesn't merely undermine them; it undermines babyfaces, too.
Now, AJ Styles is bulletproof. Nobody remembers this b*llocks, the 'Kami' zingers, nor the losses to Baron Corbin, when they think of him. But WWE has invited the risk more often than you might remember.