10 Dumbest WWE PPV Names Ever

2. TLC: Tables, Ladders, Chairs... And Stairs

WWE TLC 2014

TLC has always been a bit of an awkward PPV name simply because, to the majority of the world, it refers to the ubiquitous phrase "tender loving care".

Though used in thoroughly tongue-in-cheek fashion by WWE, this cheeky irony ultimately makes it sound more like one of the many goofy PPV names ECW used throughout the years, who surely cornered the market on terrible event names with the likes of Requiem for a Pitbull, It Ain't Seinfeld and, of course, The Doctor Is In.

Things got worse still with the 2014 edition of TLC, which opted to add "...and Stairs" as an awkward post-script. In fairness, it wasn't factually inaccurate, because the show did feature an infamous Stairs match between Big Show and Erick Rowan, but it sure as Hell did sound silly.

It's not like anybody was buying this show to watch a Stairs match, so couldn't they have just left it out completely, rather than hilariously tacking it onto the original TLC name and logo?

Apparently fans were turned off by the title change en masse, as TLC 2014 pulled in just 39,000 PPV buys, the lowest in WWE history at the time, though this was admittedly shortly after the launch of the WWE Network.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.