10 Edge And Christian WWE Matches That Totally Reeked Of Awesomeness

1. Tables, Ladders And Chairs II (WrestleMania X-Seven)

Edge and Christian, The Dudleys and the Hardys were faced with incredible pressure as they entered Houston's Astrodome for WrestleMania X-Seven and TLC II. The original Tables, Ladders and Chairs match was so well-received, earning five star ratings from critics across the World Wide Web, that many wondered how they could possible improve upon it on the grandest stage imaginable. The addition of Spike Dudley, Lita and Rhyno to the mix, as well as the building of new spots from old ones, helped them do just that. The car crash environment and storytelling that unfolded in front of a record crowd in the enormous stadium was not only the stuff of legend but, ultimately, one of the greatest matches in the long and illustrious history of WrestleMania. With no rest spots or any chance for fans to ever grow bored or take their eyes off of what was occurring in and around the ring, the match delivered the nonstop action most Superstars can only dream of replicating. And, just as they had any time the three teams clashed in a train wreck involving tables, ladders and chairs, Edge and Christian captured left with the tag team titles in their possession. While the team would continue to compete, and even succeed, their victory at WrestleMania X-Seven was very much their last great stand. It was a moment in time that celebrated their greatness and forever cemented them as the centerpiece of WWE's prized tag division. Never as flashy as the Hardy Boyz, or as gimmicky as The Dudley Boyz with their tables, the team was the picture of in-ring consistency and their third straight win over their peers was a major pat on the back and "thank you" from management. Oh, and they were best suited to put Undertaker and Kane over shortly thereafter, but who's counting?

Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for Match.com. He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.