10 Emotional WWE Moments That Fell Flat

1. Shawn Michaels Works For JBL To Pay The Bills

Shawn Michaels JBL

Shawn Michaels was in a sorry state towards the end of 2008. Not only did the guy have a family to feed, but he only had a few million stashed away in the bank to make ends meet. How could he be expected to put food on the table after losing all his savings to the global recession?

Work for JBL, that's the only thing for it.

Unbelievably, this was an angle WWE ran with. JBL pounced on Shawn's financial misfortune and hired him to aid his passage to the WWE Title. The whole thing was ridiculous from the start, not just because Michaels was the only one in WWE affected by this 'recession', but also because everyone knew Shawn was a multi-millionaire.

To top it all off, why wouldn't WWE just bail one of their most loyal stars out? This story hoped to make people feel sorry for Michaels, but it was just stupid. Even Shawn's puppy-dog eyes during promos and repeated assurances that he was skint didn't pull at fan heart strings.

What other emotional moments from WWE history do you think fell flat? Let us know down in the comments section below!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.