10 Emotional WWE Moments That Fell Flat

2. Triple H Relieves Vince McMahon Of His Duties

Triple H Vince McMahon

If there's one phrase that should never be uttered on WWE programming again, it's "I love you, pop". Just listen to the groans of the audience as Triple H reminds Vince McMahon of this fact on the July 18, 2011 episode of Raw. Nobody was feeling the emotion of McMahon's tears or Triple H's wavering voice.

Relieving his father-in-law of his duties, Triple H put McMahon out to pasture. That was the plan anyway, but Vince has been seen on television many times since and shows up whenever some grand announcement needs to be made or WWE need to pop a rating. This was far from the end for McMahon, despite the presentation.

Falling flat, the segment couldn't even be saved by Vince wheeling out one of his old pastel suit jackets. That was a nod to the old days, one that would theoretically sell the 'out with the old' feel of Triple H's promo. Not only did it not work, the sappy interaction between a man who had been called the 'Cerebral Assassin' and McMahon felt lame.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.