10 Epic WWE TV Matches That Could Have Been On PPV

5. Rob Van Dam Vs. Jerry Lynn - Heat 2001

The epic altercations between Rob Van Dam and Jerry Lynn in ECW are the stuff of legend. Artistically unique, acrobatically awesome and unlike anything else the company had ever presented, the matches between these two innovators set the standard for the sort of wrestling the promotion could present alongside its bloodier brethren.

All of which makes it completely baffling that WWE never pulled the trigger when they were both employed at the same time.

During the Invasion angle of 2001, Rob Van Dam was riding a huge wave of momentum as the fresh-faced show-stealer. Meanwhile, Jerry Lynn had been with the company for around three months when RVD came bursting on the scene, presenting the perfect opportunity for the two men to reignite their rivalry.

Sadly, that never happened and fans were instead given just one match between the two under the bright lights of... Sunday Night Heat. With the Hardcore Championship on the line, the match had the makings of another extreme classic and the lax rules of the hardcore division played right into their extreme wheelhouse.

Even with chunks of the match edited out of the final broadcast, the contest was still one of the best in the history of the show, deserving of far more than a throwaway spot on Heat.


Occasional wrestler, full-time gym rat and lifelong lover of the grapple game. Would probably buy you a shot of Jack at the bar in exchange for witty banter...and preferably more Jack. @MartynGrant88 for more wrestling-related musings and weight room wisecracks!