10 Epic WWE TV Matches That Could Have Been On PPV

2. Steve Austin Vs. Chris Benoit - SmackDown 2001

Chris Benoit Triple H Iron Man Match

When Chris Benoit began chasing 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin for the WWF championship in 2001, fans were clamouring to see the two men square off in one-on-one competition.

Those fans would get their wish in Calgary on 28 May 2001. The bout would end with a controversial victory for Austin in yet another rehash of the Montreal Screwjob. Luckily, Benoit was given a second chance just days later - crucially in his home town of Edmonton, Alberta.

With a rampant, partisan crowd on hand, fans around the world were in for a massive treat when 'The Rabid Wolverine' got his shot at 'The Rattlesnake'. Nevertheless, the deck was once again stacked in Austin's favour, as Vince McMahon (Austin's ally since WrestleMania) had also named himself as guest enforcer at the very last minute.

While Austin's heel run is often deemed unsuccessful in hindsight, 'The Rattlesnake' was never more hated than on this night. The raucous crowd were squarely behind their fellow Edmontonian; the audience cheered on every move dished out by 'The Crippler'.

Those moves also included an incredible ten German Suplexes and made for insane TV. The main event of King of the Ring three weeks later would also include Jericho, but this would have made a fine KOTR headliner itself.


Occasional wrestler, full-time gym rat and lifelong lover of the grapple game. Would probably buy you a shot of Jack at the bar in exchange for witty banter...and preferably more Jack. @MartynGrant88 for more wrestling-related musings and weight room wisecracks!