10 Essential Jay Briscoe Matches

4. The Briscoes Vs. The Young Bucks (ROH Best In The World 2018)

Jay Briscoe

There's nothing purer in the realm of wrestling than a thundering crowd reaction. It instantaneously makes even the blandest of matches and moments more delectable.

That said, go back if you haven't already seen it and listen to the live audience from Best in the World 2018 during the Briscoes vs. the Young Bucks.

Like a lion's roar, there was no margin for error as far as the crowd was concerned. They were feverish during the entrances alone. There was, in fact, no requirement for the seventeen-minute World Tag Team Title match that was to follow because this was more than just a match. It was a clash of different backgrounds, the Bucks being the cool, popular, aesthetically-pleasing, tassel-wearing tandem full of flips and twists, while the Briscoes were the old-fashioned, rough and rugged pair that wouldn't have looked out of place in the nineties.

Each strike, each dive, each slam was delivered with venom. Numerous spots had been used previously and would be used in future exchanges between the celebrated rivals, including Nick Jackson breaking up a Doomsday Device attempt with a Cutter, a spot that would again be seen in the aforementioned Final Battle 2018 Ladder War.

It only makes you wish AEW was able to execute another in the series.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.