10 Exact Moments Vince McMahon Lost Faith In His Own WWE Creations

8. Yokozuna - Fails To Lose Weight

Brock Lesnar Braun Strowman Punch

For fans of the New Generation era of World Wrestling Entertainment, Yokozuna is fondly remembered as a colossal talent who terrorised the likes of Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, and Shawn Michaels over the course of his storied spell with the company.

Yet, despite his success in-between the ropes, there was no escaping the fact that the legend was continually battling weight issues throughout his various runs. Coming in at 550lbs at one stage, Yokozuna was given numerous opportunities to seek help when it came to losing some excess pounds, even being written off television to achieve this feat.

However, not even losing a whopping 100lbs was enough for Vince McMahon to continue on pushing the star as one of his feature attractions, with Yokozuna not even being medically cleared to compete in some states due to his overall physical condition.

In the end, the former WWE Champion was cut loose in May 1998. McMahon then claimed that the aforementioned weight problems were the reason for his eventual departure.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...