10 Exact Moments Wrestlers Knew They Would Return To WWE

2. Bret Hart

Bret Hart Vince McMahon WWE Hall Of Fame

The Moment: Following heartache (Hart-ache?) at Survivor Series 1997, Bret left the WWF and swore he'd never do business with that no-good Vince McMahon ever again. A few years on from his 'Screwjob' nightmare, Hart was forced to retire in WCW, and the wrestling community moved on from notions of any WWE return.

Then, something weird happened. Bret and Vince made contact to discuss a 'Hitman' DVD project, and they were photographed smiling and shaking hands. Hell had frozen over.

The Return: The next year, Bret proudly took the stage and accepted induction into WWE's Hall Of Fame shortly before WrestleMania 22. Four years later, he'd appear again, this time to forgive Shawn Michaels and then feud with McMahon (peaking with a pretty ill-advised brawl at 'Mania XXVI).

His acceptance of Vince's DVD promises in '05 reignited Bret's relationship with WWE again. It was the most unlikely of comebacks after what happened back in the controversial Survivor Series '97 days.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.