10 Exact Moments Wrestlers Knew They Would Return To WWE

8. The Hardy Boyz

The Hardy Boyz ROH WWE

The Moment: As they prepared for their match against The Young Bucks at ROH's Supercard Of Honor XI in Lakeland (a show that was piggy-backing on the fact that WrestleMania was in Florida), both Matt and Jeff Hardy secretly knew that they'd be making a grand WWE return just 24 hours later in Orlando.

They'd already been in touch with the company about a comeback.

The Return: Camping World Stadium went absolutely crazy when The Hardy Boyz were announced as surprise challengers for the Raw Tag-Team Titles by hosts the New Day. The brothers also looked delighted to be 'home', and they ended up bagging the belts as people high-fived one another in the stands and couldn't believe their eyes.

Nobody knew one night earlier that this was the plan, but it wasn't quite as rushed as some might think. Matt said on WWE 24 that they were trying to thrash out terms with the promotion for a few days. Things all came together before ROH's pay-per-view.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.