10 Exact Moments WWE Storylines Lost Us

4. "I Did It For The Rock" (2000)

Dean Ambrose Jon Moxley

Another one of the long-running Attitude Era storylines that had fans hooked for a time, the mystery of exactly who ran over 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin at Survivor Series 1999 almost went an entire year without being solved.

As time went by, everyone from Triple H to The Rock were thought to be behind the violent hit-and-run incident. And fans were very much prepping themselves for all hell to break lose once Austin found out who was "kayfabe" responsible for putting him on the shelf.

After all that, who did WWE decide to reveal was the person behind the wheel?

None other than The Rock's cousin Rikishi. That same dude found joyously dancing around the ring in a thong? He had targeted 'The Texas Rattlesnake' as a way to give his own family member a chance to become a superstar, apparently.

Needless to say, the unexpected development didn't go down all that well with audiences. And next to nobody honestly believed the loveable big lad as a heel during his eventual showdown with Austin at No Mercy.

Then, in an attempt to salvage a storyline fans had clearly fallen out of love with on the back of Rikishi bizarrely doing it "for The Rock", Trips was ultimately revealed to have been the mastermind pulling the strings.

By that point, who honestly gave a damn?

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Jon Moxley
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...