10 Exciting Prospects For WWE WrestleMania 32

1. The Impending Heel Turn

With friction and a break up being hinted for the last few weeks between Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns, it€™s only going to be a matter of time before one of them fully turns on the other. Even though WWE are still pushing Reigns to the moon, at WrestleMania, the fans will either be given what they do not want or be treated to a major surprise. We could have easily seen Reigns win last year, and that was the plan for a while, but the decision to have Seth Rollins steal the title was made on the day of the show. The build up to a main event of WrestleMania can give us a host of surprises, but if WWE were to turn Reigns heel not only would it benefit the character, but it really would make two major stars out of Reigns and Ambrose. A betrayal by Reigns is what many fans are clamouring for, because if they€™re going to hate on the guy, they would rather do it if he was heel. Reigns and Ambrose have the potential to give us a storyline as compelling as Triple H's long program with Shawn Michaels, and the road of their feud can begin at this year€™s WrestleMania.

Writer with a big passion for gaming and sports, sprinkled with a bit of WWE. Massive Chelsea fan too, I just don't like talking about it at the moment.