10 Exciting Prospects For WWE WrestleMania 32

2. A New WrestleMania Attendance Record

One of the most exciting prospects of WrestleMania 32 is the potential for the show to break WWE€™s all-time attendance record. Even if the event does not have the ability to genuinely sell out the entire seating allocation, you can almost guarantee that WWE will be pushing tickets out through competitions and comps in order to pack the building to the rafters. If it gives them the chance to do something historic like this, they€™ll be very determined to pull it off. Even if WWE resort to inflating the attendance figure - which they will, because they always do - it€™s still going to be very high number regardless. Just being able to witness the camera shots of the crowd will be a spectacle in its own right due to the sheer mass of people present. With over 90,000 expected to enter the AT&T stadium, the roar of the crowd should be enough to send shivers down anyone€™s spine.

Writer with a big passion for gaming and sports, sprinkled with a bit of WWE. Massive Chelsea fan too, I just don't like talking about it at the moment.