10 Exciting Prospects For WWE WrestleMania 32

3. The Kevin Owens Impact

In 2016, all being well, fans will likely see Kevin Owens rise up the card and appear as a regular in the main event scene. Owens is an old-school heel who really comes off as a total douche in his promos and matches, which really makes him fun to watch. Having recaptured the Intercontinental Championship, there is most likely going to be a title match on the card at WrestleMania. Whilst his opponent hasn€™t been announced yet, there€™s a strong possibility that Sami Zayn could be standing on the opposite side of the ring to him at the event, reigniting their rewarding rivalry once more. One thing is for certain, WWE should have big plans to make Kevin Owens their main event heel, and what better way to do that than have him do something drastic on the biggest show of the year?

Writer with a big passion for gaming and sports, sprinkled with a bit of WWE. Massive Chelsea fan too, I just don't like talking about it at the moment.