10 Extreme Wrestling Matches Mick Foley Has Probably Forgotten

2. vs. Terry Funk (King Of The Death Match - Japan 1995)

When hearing the concept for the 'King Of The Death Match' tournament final in August, 1995 between Terry Funk and Mick Foley, it's perhaps not difficult to start understanding why Ric Flair once described Foley as a glorified stuntman. Obviously, Mick would prove he was more than that during his lengthy career, but there is something sadistic about all of the gimmicks in this war from the Orient. The ring ropes were replaced with barbed wire, and C4 explosives were set up inside the ring. Worse yet, when the clock hit the 10 minute mark, the entire ring would blow up, which is pretty damn insane. Only a mad man would agree to such terms, but Funk and Foley were willing to literally put their lives on the line to give the fans a blood-soaked show. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFI3gG_POCk In a match Foley has likened to being in the middle of a war zone, this one is not for the faint of heart, or the weak or stomach. Even when he wasn't the one getting blown up, the deafening sound of the explosives at close range made it difficult for Foley to concentrate, making this surely one of his most dangerous matches ever, and one he'd have to watch in order to remember everything that happened.
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