10 Extreme Wrestling Matches Mick Foley Has Probably Forgotten

3. vs. The Rock (WWE Royal Rumble 1999)

Watching the 'Beyond The Mat' documentary released in the late-90's is quite the harrowing experience at the best of times, but degenerates into an emotional mess by the time footage of Mick Foley's family at the 1999 Royal Rumble is aired. Tearful and unable to grasp the concept of the violence being staged, Foley's children are distraught by watching their father repeatedly be belted by a steel chair to the head from The Rock. On Foley's side, the man has admitted that there are portions of the match that he doesn't really recall, mainly due to the continued blows to the head. Handcuffed by his opponent, Foley (as Mankind) receives a tremendous beating, one which is infinitely more distressful when watching the reactions of his wife and young kids. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x22fxlx_royal-rumble-1999-mankind-vs-the-rock-i-quit-match_sport Nowadays, WWE have pretty much outlawed the sickening sounds of the chair shot to the skull, something which is understandable given all the furor about the danger of concussions in the sporting world. In 1999, that wasn't as big an issue, which is likely why Mick Foley had no problem soaking up each thunderous blow eagerly.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.