10 Extreme Wrestling Matches Mick Foley Has Probably Forgotten

10. W/Edge vs Terry Funk & Tommy Dreamer - ECW One Night Stand 2006

At the WWE promoted ECW One Night Stand event in 2006, Mick Foley teamed with Edge to face Tommy Dreamer and his old rival, Terry Funk. Both Lita and Beulah McGillicutty were also involved, making this a 6-person intergender tag-team affair, but the focus was firmly on the interaction between Foley and Funk, who had been intertwined for a lot time in their respective careers. During the bout, both Edge and Foley introduced a barbed-wire board of significant size into the action, and after a short period of using the item as a weapon, the proverbial tables were turned. What followed was yet more proof that Mick Foley has a high pain threshold, as he was thrown into the board and ended up twisted and mangled in the barbed wire. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x24m1qs_mick-foley-edge-lita-vs-terry-funk-tommy-dreamer-beulah-mcguillicutty-one-night-stand-2006_sport After he'd been nailed with a flaming (yes, as in on fire) 2x4 which just happened to be wrapped in more barbed wire, Tommy Dreamer set up the big board from earlier against the guard rail at ringside. Foley was then sent from the ring apron right through the board, taking a massive back bump which had to hurt. Ouch.
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