10 Facts To Silence The Roman Reigns Critics
3. He's Not At Fault -

You are.
Silence is the wrestling killer. That's why, when Roman Reigns receives his usual toxic reaction, the commentators scramble to spin it into a positive. You might like, you might hate him, but you can't deny him! is the message Michael Cole et al. transmit. WWE rushed to de-push Jason Jordan on RAW this week because his singles reintroduction was received with abject apathy. His teased Intercontinental title run with The Miz has already been sh*tcanned. The silence made a mockery of WWE's big mystery angle. The correlation isn't hard to parse.
Reigns will receive top billing as long as he receives top-level reactions. People resent Reigns - unfairly, if his evolution throughout this year is any indication - because he is perceived as the Next John Cena. So his detractors unwittingly contribute to the narrative by reacting to him as if he is the Next John Cena. It's fatalistic - or stupid, to be less kind. If you send a message, send it with silence. That's possibly harder in practise than it is in theory.
There's a reason Reigns gets the reaction he gets...