10 Failed Heel Turns Of Popular Wrestlers

7. Sting - TNA (2010)

Sting's time in TNA was rife with memorable moments, from World Title victories to his complete reinvention as 'Joker Sting'. Unfortunately, in the pursuit of unpredictability, TNA went down the road less travelled and took Sting to a territory he was not best suited for - the land of the heel.

Sting had long been established as TNA's franchise player when Hulk Hogan arrived in 2010 and stole his thunder. 'The Stinger' responded by jumping Hogan during his tag match with Abyss against Flair and Styles, turning heel in the process.

The following months saw Sting continue his heelish ways, claiming Hogan was out for himself as he always had been. Sting eventually began teaming with Kevin Nash in his stand against the babyface Hogan and even adopted his old Wolfpac red and black for the first time in over a decade.

While it was undoubtedly different, the whole heel dynamic seemed out of character for TNA's resident conscience. At Bound For Glory, Sting's anti-Hogan crusade was ultimately proved right, when Hogan himself turned heel in the main event. Exonerated as the righteous one all along, Sting left TNA, only to return four months later as a babyface once more.

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Occasional wrestler, full-time gym rat and lifelong lover of the grapple game. Would probably buy you a shot of Jack at the bar in exchange for witty banter...and preferably more Jack. @MartynGrant88 for more wrestling-related musings and weight room wisecracks!