10 Failed Heel Turns Of Popular Wrestlers

6. Randy Orton - WWE (2016)

Evil Rikishi

When Randy Orton was paired with Bray Wyatt, the feud initially held promise for the SmackDown superstars. However, that promise would soon turn to confusion, as Orton joined the Wyatt Family himself in October after several weeks of physicality. Contrived, nonsensical and unbelievable, the heel turn was doomed from the start.

Despite winning the Tag Team Championships with the Wyatts, the fans were largely unsure how to react to Orton during this period. Heel Orton was presented largely the same as he had been as a babyface; the only thing that had changed was the company he kept. Growing a hefty beard or simply changing his attire would have made the world of difference.

Worse still, the frequent allusion to Orton's betrayal made the entire angle incredibly predictable. While it can be argued that the entire storyline was constructed that way so fans would tune in for his eventual turn, the Orton/Wyatt relationship lasted five months. WWE had plenty of time to make Orton a card-carrying Wyatt member in that time.

The basis of the alliance was flawed from the start and his predictable switch back to babyface leading into their match at WrestleMania only made Wyatt seem foolish. The supposed 'Eater of Worlds' couldn't predict what the entire world could foresee and, while the feud did result in WWE Championship reigns for both men, their characters suffered in the long term.

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Occasional wrestler, full-time gym rat and lifelong lover of the grapple game. Would probably buy you a shot of Jack at the bar in exchange for witty banter...and preferably more Jack. @MartynGrant88 for more wrestling-related musings and weight room wisecracks!