10 Famous Wrestling Conspiracy Theories

9. Vince Hates SmackDown

Wwe Two Warriors Conspiracy

Monday Night Raw is Vince McMahon's baby, and you only have to look at draft patterns and ratings over the last fifteen years to see that it's seen - both inside and outside the WWE walls - as the A-show to SmackDown's B.

But does that mean Vince would go so far as to deliberately sabotage the SmackDown product, making it unwatchable so that the show he pioneered back in the early '90s will look comparatively good? According to some conspiracy theorists: yes.

To be fair, one or two decisions earlier this year - among them drafting The Miz and Dean Ambrose over to Monday nights and cancelling the highly-regarded Talking Smack - gave us plenty of reason to believe that Raw is the company's priority.

To say that Vince therefore hates or is even just indifferent towards SmackDown, however, seems childish and petulant. He's the man in charge of both, and if one suffers then - presumably - in a round about way the other one, along with WWE's bottom line as a whole, will as well.
