10 Fantasy Wrestling Matches That Never Happened

8. Brock Lesnar vs. Big Van Vader - Hell In A Cell

Two of the most dominant big men of their era, Brock Lesnar and Big Van Vader were feared by fans and opponents alike. Even though professional wrestling is a work, there was real danger present whenever these two men stepped into the squared circle. Stronger than most of us can even imagine, these two monsters destroyed many opponents through fear and intimidation. Brock Lesnar is the current reigning WWE world champion. Starting in his 20s in WWE, he quickly rose through the ranks as the "Next Big Thing" and dominated the roster in short order. His mixture of power and speed was something that had never been seen before and his ability to do a Shooting Star Press from the top rope (seen in OVW and totally botched at Wrestlemania) was unheard of. After making the transition to UFC and unbelievably winning their heavyweight championship, Brock suddenly became one of the most feared men on earth. Now, when he walks to the ring, there is a big fight atmosphere and you can see how different Lesnar is from the rest of the roster. Before Brock Lesnar, there was Big Van Vader. If you only know him from his WWF run in the mid to late 1990s, you're really missing out on Vader. In the early 1990s, Vader was WCW's monster. He was a punishing champion who legitimately injured many who dared step into the ring with him. There are many stories of new wrestlers walking into Atlanta, seeing their name across from Vader's on the chalkboard, and then immediately grabbing their bags and running to their car, quitting the business that very day. Vader was a powerhouse who had agility and the ability to brawl with the best of them. A Hell in a Cell match between the two monsters would undoubtedly be one of the hardest-hitting,violent and brutal affairs in recent memory. Neither guy knows how to work any way but stiff so broken noses, black eyes, busted lips, and probably worse awaited them in this match. The match would honestly come down to who survived the beating the other delivered and the match may have surpassed any level of violence we would be able to imagine.

Mike Shannon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.