10 Fascinating Facts About WWE In 2010

4. ‘Taker Worked Elimination Chamber In Serious Pain

Rey Dominik Mysterio CM Punk Heel Turn 2010

'The Deadman' is a nickname, but it could've become grim reality.

Errant pyrotechnics scorched his flesh during The Undertaker's entrance at Elimination Chamber 2010. The legend was set ablaze, and suffered painful first and second degree burns to his face, chest and neck. Thankfully, his hat and trench coat helped avert disaster, but ‘Taker was in agony as he doused bottled of water on himself in one of the chamber pods.

The pyro technician responsible was promptly fired, and The Undertaker was understandably furious when he returned back behind the curtain. Things could've been much, much worse. It was obviously a mistake, but a costly one for the person in charge of shooting those fireballs from the stage as 'Taker made his trademark walk to the ring.

It's a testament to the man's toughness that he barely flinched and worked the match as planned anyway. Still, burns were visible on his body almost immediately. That had to hurt like hell. Ouch! Again, the positive here is that 'Taker's outfit shielded him a little.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.