10 Fascinating Facts About WWE In 2013

3. Stephanie McMahon Got Mad At Dusty Rhodes

The Rock CM Punk 2013

Talk to the hand, and all that.

Stephanie McMahon was not chuffed when Dusty Rhodes suddenly thrust a hand in her face during a staredown spot with Triple H on the 30 September 2013 episode of Raw. Dust was going to bat for his boys Cody and Goldust when the dismissive gesture occurred, and it made for fabulous television.

Trips might've been ad-libbing when he said: "You've crossed a line, old man". In the background, Steph was visibly fuming about it. Rhodes was only improvising (something he'd always done better than most) and firing up against the tyrannical Authority, but his improv did not go down well backstage.

WWE couldn't really punish Dusty though - he wasn't an in-ring worker, and the story starring his sons was just too important. A few folks out there opined that Cody becoming Stardust was the eventual punishment for this, but that sounds a little far-fetched.

Stardust went on to become WWE Champ, after all. Ahem.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.