10 Fascinating Facts About WWE In 2014

9. Batista’s Unique Bit Of History

Batista CM Punk WWE 2014

Batista looked like he couldn't believe what was happening when fans rebelled against his return and triumph. However, 'The Animal' could point to some Rumble history on the night. Perhaps he used it to soothe wounded pride from all that booing; if he was even aware of his 'achievement unlocked'-style exploits at all.

Big Dave remains the only wrestler (male or female) in WWE history to win the Rumble match with the same entry number. He was #28 in both 2005 and 2014. Others who have won multiple Rumbles did so by entering at different points of the match. For example, Randy Orton was #8 in 2009 and #23 in 2017.

This quirky feat may never be repeated.

WWE probably wouldn't do so knowingly unless they were going for some dramatic back-to-back wins from the #1 position, but that could get boring or be viewed as too obvious if things were set up that way. This was clearly accidental, but Batista's #28 double win still counts as history.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.