10 Fascinating Facts About WWE In 2017

9. 2017 Had The Shortest PPV Main Event Ever

Goldberg WWE Universal Title Shortest Ever

There were a ton of disgruntled fans when Goldberg squashed Kevin Owens in just 22 seconds at Fastlane 2017, but that match made WWE history. It's still the shortest scheduled pay-per-view headliner the company has ever put on. Please note the wording there - this doesn’t include impromptu matches like Hulk Hogan beating Yokozuna at WrestleMania IX or any Money In The Bank cash-in moments.

They were never announced in advance.

Goldberg has naturally been involved in a few shorties during his career. His Survivor Series 2016 win over Brock Lesnar lasted just 1 minute and 26 seconds too. However, that's practically an Iron Man affair next to the squash he gave KO months later. This loss, by the way, pushed Kev out of the 'Mania main event running.

You'll probably never see anything like it again. Goldberg was a rarity as a performer (squashes were expected), and Triple H's WWE likely favours epic length and workrate over this sort of thing. Still, easiest headline PPV payoff Owens has ever received.

Silver lining.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.