10 Fascinating Facts About WWE In 2019

8. Pat McAfee Almost Walked Out On WrestleMania 35

Seth Rollins Vince McMahon Strangle WWE
WWE Network

It's funny how things turn out.

Today, Michael Cole giggles like a little kid whenever Pat McAfee cracks one of his jokes, and the pair are firm friends behind the scenes too. Back in 2019, McAfee probably felt like cracking something else: Cole's jaw. He was left seething when MC publicly yelled at him shortly before WrestleMania 35 went on the air live.

The source of Cole's anger? Pat was wearing shorts even though he'd been told not to. Apparently overheating and feeling a tad rebellious, McAfee decided to turn a pair of suit trousers into shorts and wear them with his tuxedo on top. Michael Cole, who was overseer for the announcers at the time, was steaming mad about this decision.

Things escalated to the point that McAfee told other WWE staffers he was going home, but Vince McMahon (of all people) calmed things down by saying he was totally cool with the tux shorts. In fact, Vince even remarked that he'd seen them before, because he was "hip".



Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.