10 Fascinating Masked 'Mystery' Wrestlers

8. Mr. NXT (Bo Dallas)

There's a lively debate among longtime NXT fans about who the developmental league€™s best champion was, and most of them have a legitimate claim. Seth Rollins was its first, and has been most successful on the main roster and Big E was the most dominant, while Adrian Neville was probably the fightingest. Bo Dallas, however, rarely gets a mention. Maybe it's because he rapidly became a joke following his call-up, or maybe it's because his own title record (longest reign) was subsequently broken by the Jumping Geordie. But rest assured, the Bolievers never gave up on their hero. Even after he lost the title to Neville, he campaigned for a rematch using a stack of letters from his worldwide fans as persuasion. Then he lost to Big E and got fired from NXT. His solution: show up like a week later, wearing a mask and literally yelling €œI'm not Bo Dallas!€. Bo€™s masked adventures were sadly brief: Mr. NXT only appeared on a single episode, which ended with him getting unmasked and chased around Full Sail by campus security like he was the Greased-Up Deaf Guy.

Long-time fan (scholar?) of professional wrestling, kaiju films and comparative mythology. Aspiring two-fisted adventurer.