Here we have a bizarre case of this trope being turned against a guy who'd used it himself. In 1984, Barry Windham disguised himself as the 'Yellow Dog' to escape the shame of being saddled and ridden around the ring by Outlaw Ron Bass. I don't know, guys, I guess someone on the booking committee was working through some stuff. Anyway, by 1991, Barry had left his white-meat babyface roots behind to join the Four Horsemen. When he and Arn Anderson chased Flyin Brian out of WCW, they were soon confronted by a familiar figure in ochre. The Yellow Dog was back, this time with Pillman beneath the hood (though his partner Tom Zenk sometimes donned it to prove it wasn't The Loose Cannon). The masked man dogged (har har) the Horsemen until a kayfabe letter-writing campaign got Pillman reinstated, and Old Yeller Dog was taken behind the shed and killed off for good.