10 Fascinating WWE Backstage Facts About 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin

1. He Suffered An Unfortunate Accident During A House Match With Yokozuna

Stone Cold Steve Austin

Accidents happen in wrestling; more often than not, it's a physical injury or an embarrassing botch that makes the headlines. But, every now and again, it's something else. For Stone Cold, one of his biggest accidents resulted from tummy trouble.

Austin, who discussed this story on an episode of Hot Ones, once worked with the late great Yokozuna during a live-event tour of South Africa. The match was going well until Yokozuna slammed Austin to the mat, and, in his own words, "I crapped my trunks."

Yes, the legendary Steve Austin defecated by accident during the match, claiming that the dietary changes caused by international travel caused him to have an upset stomach, which the 600-pound wrestler seemingly slammed out of him.

He further added that he was grateful to be wearing black trunks and finished the match off quickly before taking "a hell of a shower." Austin also sang the praises of Yoko for helping him through the incident. Helping your co-worker after they've sh** themselves is certainly uncommon for regular folk, so credit to him.

Everyone has embarrassing work stories, but by god, it's very rare someone goes through a problem like that.

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