10 Fascinating WWE Backstage Facts About The Rock

7. D'Lo Brown's Iconic Neck Roll Was Inspired By A Movie-Night With The Rock

The Rock Charlotte Flair

Let's switch the tracks just a smidge and talk about D'Lo Brown.

Brown is a wrestler who (obviously) never reached the same singles star success as The Rock, but he did spend some time with him in the Nation of Domination. In fact, Johnson had a surprising connection to his career, which D'Lo discussed on an episode of the Attitude Era Podcast.

All people remember of D'Lo's solo run nowadays were his bizarre head movements, which made his neck look as loose yet firm as boiled spaghetti tied to a measuring tape. But, as it turns out, Johnson was a major part of this, all thanks to a lack of sleep and a movie night.

After a long show, Rocky and D'Lo found themselves unable to sleep, so they decided to watch a movie instead. Friday, starring Chris Tucker and Ice Cube, was the flick they settled on, and with it came a scene where Tucker shook his head and shouted, "You got knocked the f*** out!"

The next night, The Rock fought against Ken Shamrock, and in a surge of creative instinct, D'Lo shouted the line and shook his head just like Tucker did. Vince McMahon ended up loving this and told him to keep it.

So, there you go; not just content with creating his own iconic mannerisms, Johnson also had a hand in others.

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The Rock
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