10 Fascinating WWE Backstage Facts About The Rock

6. He Made Bets With Stone Cold Steve Austin About Selling The Stunner

The Rock Charlotte Flair

If you ask any wrestling fan, "Who does the best sell for the Stone Cold Stunner?" then more often than not, you'll hear them scream, "The Rock!"

The beloved feud between these Attitude Era stars led to some of the greatest matches in WrestleMania history. Johnson always made sure to make the finishes feel special by adding about seven extra levels of physicality every time he got clocked with the Stone Cold Stunner. However, the reason he went absolutely ham on selling this move was less to do with making his opponent look good and more with getting his hands on a case of beers.

Johnson himself admitted this via his Twitter account in 2017. Apparently, he and Austin had a deal where the Texas Rattlesnake would buy The Rock a whole case of beers depending on how over-the-top his Stunner sells were. This went both ways as well, as Austin would get bought a crate if Johnson's sell didn't outdo the one from the previous week.

So, just let that sink in. All those memories of seeing The Rock flying about the ring like a Beyblade coming out of a shotgun were the result of some good old-fashioned beers.

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The Rock
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