10 Fascinating WWE Backstage Facts About The Undertaker

1. Bizarre Punishments In "Wrestlers' Court"

The Undertaker Quit WWE

The idea of "Wrestlers' Court" will always sound daft and childish to those outside the industry. In fact, scrap that, it sounds daft and childish to those inside the biz too. That didn't prevent countless workers from "going on trial" in some kangaroo WWE court set up for various alleged misdemeanours on the road.

What is that old expression? There's more drama behind the curtain than there is in front of it. Yeah, that works for this utter nonsense. The Undertaker regularly presided over the "Court" as judge, and he was the one to dole out punishments accordingly. Often, that meant those convicted had to buy him some booze, or keep others on the roster sweet with gifts.

It sounds weirder the more it's explained, doesn't it?

Sometimes, things got out of hand. 'Taker himself has explained one occasion on YouTube that involved Melina and several others. He didn't go into painstaking detail, but did reveal that things "took a pretty serious turn as far as the defendants were concerned".


What other fascinating facts do you know about The Undertaker? For more WWE, check out 10 Wrestlers Who Only Worked ONE WWE Match and 10 Risks That Could’ve KILLED WWE Careers

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.