10 Fascinating WWE Facts That Sound Fake... But Will Blow Your Mind!

6. Batista Is Actually Older Than Triple H

Roman Reigns first loss

Described as being the "future" of WWE, alongside fellow Evolution pal Randy Orton, by the 'Game' all the way back in 2003, Batista evidently possessed all the potential to eventually challenge his mentor Triple H at the top of the card.

What is often overlooked, however, is the fact that Big Dave wasn't actually as fresh as he appeared during those early days of dominance for the undeniably successful faction.

Whereas the 'Legend Killer' was a good decade younger than the 'Cerebral Assassin', the 'Animal' was actually a few months OLDER than the eventual head of WWE creative.

Given that Batista's entire rise from Evolution muscle to bona fide main eventer revolved around the star of tomorrow having to eventually topple his wise old master, the fact he was actually six-months Trips' senior still seems too bizarre to be true to this day.

But it undoubtedly is, folks.

Despite having such a late start in the business, however - first appearing on WWE programming at the age of 33 - Batista was still able to lift multiple world titles and main event WrestleMania before ultimately turning his attention to the acting industry just over a decade later.

And he's not done too badly in that arena either...


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...