10 Fascinating WWE SummerSlam 1989 Facts

7. WWE Played The Wrong Mean Gene Tape

Hulk Hogan, Zeus

It's a Botchamania classic: Mean Gene Okerlund presides over an interview with Intercontinental Champion Rick Rude and manager Bobby Heenan, when suddenly, the SummerSlam emblem in the background falls to the floor. Vince is heard off camera sarcastically muttering, "nice move" (some people also hear "nice glue", referring to what was once holding the logo up). Then Okerlund, to the delight of many, bellows, "F--k it!"

The interview itself was actually a pre-tape from earlier in the day, and WWE's production staff did not intend to air the "blooper" take. Instead of airing the version that went off without a hitch, WWE inadvertently beamed out to its home audience the priceless one where Mean Gene blurted out the eff-dash-dash-dash word. The interview was not being filmed live as some people believe; it was already recorded, and the wrong version was played.

As an aside, a panicked Vince told Ventura over the headset to cover for Gene while they scrambled to get the right tape. Ventura then went on an improvised, light-hearted tirade about what a troublemaker Okerlund was, which Vince apparently disliked, as it called attention to the swear.


Justin has been a wrestling fan since 1989, and has been writing about it since 2009. Since 2014, Justin has been a features writer and interviewer for Fighting Spirit Magazine. Justin also writes for History of Wrestling, and is a contributing author to James Dixon's Titan series.