10 Fascinating WWE SummerSlam 2010 Facts

2. It Was The Last SummerSlam Main Event Where A True Babyface Won

John Cena, Wade Barrett

"John CE-na SUUUUUUCKS" chants aside, Cena's been a babyface since the fall of 2003. He, Bret, Bryan, Morrison, and Truth were the babyface representation of the Team WWE that held off the Nexus in SummerSlam's main event.

This fact is a bit tricky, because the confusing booking of 2015 cast The Undertaker as a weird sort of 'tweener in his match with Brock Lesnar (performing low-blows, unfairly winning after tapping out, etc). If you don't count Undertaker as a babyface at SummerSlam 2015, then 2010 is the last SummerSlam where a babyface won the main event.

Since then, there have been Lesnar victories, heels cashing in Money in the Bank briefcases (they're briefcases, Vince; contracts don't have f--king handles), and Undertaker's uneven character portrayal going over Lesnar. The last time a 100 percent babyface won a singles match to close out SummerSlam (without any heels getting a claim of the win): 2008, when Undertaker defeated Edge.


Justin has been a wrestling fan since 1989, and has been writing about it since 2009. Since 2014, Justin has been a features writer and interviewer for Fighting Spirit Magazine. Justin also writes for History of Wrestling, and is a contributing author to James Dixon's Titan series.