10 February PPVs You Should Watch On WWE Network

1. WWE No Way Out (Feb 25, 2001)

Best Matches: Triple H vs. Steve Austin (3 Stages of Hell), The Rock vs. Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero vs. X-Pac It was the best of times for WWE in early 2001. They were coming off their best year ever in 2000 and the first three PPVs of 2001 were among the best ever. It really was the peak of the Attitude Era. The "Three Stages of Hell" match with Triple H and Steve Austin was wrestling perfection. They did a fantastic job of building up to it by doing a contract signing where they stated they couldn't touch each other after they signed it. That led to Triple H attacking, then signing and we had to wait until the PPV for Austin to attack. They did three stages where they announced that the first fall would be a regular match, second fall would be a street fight and the third fall would be a cage match. It was such a smart match in terms of how it was built up. The first fall ended up going to Austin, who countered the Pedigree to win with the Stunner. The next fall saw a barbed wire bat used, a chair was used, Triple H got back dropped through a table and there was plenty of blood. Hunter got the fall with a Pedigree to tie it up. There was more brawling in the cage match portion thanks to all the weapons. Each man's finisher was only good for a two count. After they regrouped, Austin grabbed the barb wire bat, Hunter grabbed the sledgehammer and they hit eachother at the same time. Hunter fell on top for the fluke win. It was an amazing ending after 40 minutes of non-stop action. It was about as even a brawl as you could get. This match was two guys at the top of their game in an element they had perfect. Remember the Rock's classic "tick tock" promo to hype Angle vs. Rock? So good. We knew that Rock's win over Angle for the WWE Title was going to happen to set up Austin vs. Rock at WrestleMania 17, but it didn't hurt the match at all. The amount of nearfalls in this match were fantastic. There were at least three points in the match where it felt like it was over and keep in mind this was after we knew that Rock was winning the titles. That€™s how good this was. They fooled us even if we thought we knew what was going to happen. There were fun moments like when Angle used the F word as he yelled at Rock to quit. It made it feel like a real fight. It took two Rock Bottoms in a row for Rock to win the title after 17 minutes of intense action. The four way match with Jericho retaining the IC Title was very exciting. It was about putting four of the best in-ring performers in the company and letting them show off in an exciting 13 minute midcard match. A memorable match on the midcard was Stephanie McMahon beating Trish Stratus. It's one of those matches where you might have watched with low expectations, but when it was over they each deserved a lot of praise for putting on an impressive angle driven match. No Way Out 2001 is the best February PPV event and one of the best PPVs ever. A great show that deserves all the praise it receives.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.