Since debuting in Summer of last year, The Wyatt Family have gradually gathered enough momentum to become a juggernaut, with Bray fixated on taking down the audience's heroes. And if there is someone who is undeniably a hero to the audience, it's RVD. And the good thing about this booking is its simplicity. One of the key things about The Wyatts is their unpredictability. This feud literally needs no preparation or groundwork to happen, it's as simple as Bray delivering a promo saying "you are of the people, and so we must destroy you, Rob" and we're off to the races. This idea does have its pros and cons. On the one hand, the Family, and Bray in particular, has gone from strength to strength within the ring and are only improving as time goes by. But to date, they've never competed against someone with the highflying and hardcore skills of Van Dam. Quite frankly, Bray vs Rob at Extreme Rules is something I would definitely want to see. On the other hand, since the beginning of the year, The Wyatts have faced Daniel Bryan and The Shield and are set to collide with John Cena at Wrestlemania. It could be argued that after that, facing Rob Van Dam would be a step back, at least in terms of star power.
Stephen Maher has been a rock star, a bouncer, a banker and a busker on various streets in various countries. He's hung out with Robert Plant, he was at Nelson Mandela's birthday and he's swapped stories with prostitutes and crack addicts. He once performed at a Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras by accident. These days, he passes the time by writing about music, wrestling, games and other forms of nerdery. And he rarely drinks the blood of the innocent.