10 Feuds For The Undertaker After WWE SummerSlam

1. Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens against The Undertaker is the ideal match up for this fall season. Owens has been one of WWE's best heels, but has been left struggling in the aftermath of his feud with Cena. Going up against The Undertaker would be the perfect way to get him back on track. You can almost hear the promos now, Owens would be excellent in the role of disrespecting the veteran. As for The Undertaker, he gets to work with one of the hot prospects in WWE. He'd benefit by being in there with a young and able wrestler. It is definitely feasible, at the very least you could imagine them working the Mexico house shows. The Undertaker would go over in all of the encounters, but it would be a great experience for Owens. It'd certainly shift some Network subscriptions if they did it on a special.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.