10 Forgotten WCW Wrestlers You Totally Don't Remember

9. 'Jungle' Jim Steele

Galaxy WCW

Say hello to the love child of X-Pac in his 1-2-3 Kid days and Jimmy Snuka.

'Jungle' Jim Steele was one of the first products of WCW's Power Plant training school. He made his debut for the company in 1993, and likely had high hopes that his Snuka knock off character would turn some heads and thrill fans. It wasn't to be. Steele was released from his contract just one year later.

The Tarzan-style gimmick had become a firm fave in pro wrestling circles for decades, and it seemed like an ideal fit for the still-cartoony WCW of '93. Poor Jimbo didn't quite reach the heights 'Superfly' did though. He had to settle for another shortlived stay in Paul Heyman's ECW after being shown the door.

Incredibly, Steele did go on to enjoy a successful stint in All Japan between 1994-2002. Later, he worked for New Japan before eventually hanging up his tights in 2008. WWE would never come calling for this Power Plant graduate. Goldberg smoldberg. Won't somebody please think of Jimmy Steele?!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.