10 Forgotten WWE Authority Figures You Totally Don't Remember

8. Tiffany: ECW General Manager

Michael Pena WWE Raw 2007

WWE's vision for what ECW could be turned fans of Paul Heyman's original niche product right off. After launching as a fully-fledged third brand in 2006, ECW quickly turned into Sunday Night Heat more than a viable alternative to Raw or SmackDown. By 2009, it was a developmental show akin to the old syndicated efforts from the 80s and 90s.

In fact, it had even less star power than those.

Tiffany was announced as the new ECW General Manager in April 2009. She promised to make the show great again, but the truth hurt WWE. Nobody was watching, likely because...nothing of note ever happened during this so-called "extreme" weekly. Vince McMahon shut ECW down in February 2010 and replaced it with the "reality show" NXT.

So, what did Tiff do as ECW GM? Not much, sadly. ECW only had an overseer in the first place so WWE could continue pretending it had value as a standalone third brand. Hardly anything of note occurred under Tiffany's watch, which is why she's so forgettable.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.