10 Forgotten WWE Authority Figures You Totally Don't Remember

7. Armando Estrada: ECW General Manager

Michael Pena WWE Raw 2007

Umaga's old sharp sharp-suited manager was also ECW GM for a while.

Armando Estrada's sleazy presentation should've made him a banker as a corrupt heel authority figure, but there was just one problem: WWE fans had already sniffed out that ECW wasn't a priority to the creative team, so interest in the show was low by the time Armando became GM in August 2007.

The main story thread running through his entire stint was a rivalry vs. would-be WWE star Colin Delaney. The indy worker strived to earn a company contract, but Estrada was there to play Vinnie Mac-lite and shut him down. It gave the show something to shout about every week, but not much - ECW was still third-rate.

Armando was removed from his position and replaced by Teddy Long in June 2008. In storyline, WWE's mysterious board of directions decided that paying him as an active talent (he started wrestling) and GM was far too much. OK then. If you say so!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.