10 Forgotten WWE Authority Figures You Totally Don't Remember

6. Debra: Lieutenant Commissioner

Michael Pena WWE Raw 2007

Everyone remembers how charming Mick Foley was as WWF Commissioner between June and December 2000. The "Commish" helped push programming along and felt like a babyface breath of fresh air after years of McMahon-led heel antics. What you might've forgotten is that the Mickster didn't thrash out decisions on his own.

Debra was his assistant as "Lieutenant Commissioner".

This started in October when Foley decided he needed some help. The Commissioner decreed that Debra was a fair person who didn't have any skin in the game. Of course, that'd change once Steve Austin turned heel in 2001, but Debs and Foley had already wrapped up their double act by then.

Debra didn't go off on her own and make matches, or anything, but Mick would often lean on her advice by asking, 'What do you think, Debra?'. That gave segments involving the Commish another dynamic, and meant heels couldn't just vent their frustrations to Foley.

In other words, it worked.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.